2022-2023 Maren McDowell Scholarship - Kids 2 College (K2C) Scholarship Initiative
Psi Iota Chapter, an unincorporated association of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. in partnership with the Psi Iota H.O.P.E. Foundation, a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization, is sponsoring college scholarships designed to assist High School students completing their senior year, in attaining their goals for post- secondary education. The Kids to College Initiative (K2C) is an award/recognition program sponsored by the Maren McDowell Scholarship Fund, designed to highlight, and award the achievements of academic excellence and community involvement of deserving graduating high school seniors. This is a competitive scholarship award. This year, four (4) academic scholarships will be awarded to deserving graduating seniors in the name of the Fraternity’s Cardinal Principles, which are Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance, and Uplift!
To be eligible, each applicant shall:
✓ Be a graduating Senior from a Delaware high school with diploma/GED during the 2022-23 academic school year.
✓ Have at least a 2.50 grade point average on a four (4)-point scale.
✓ Show evidence of worthy character, promise, volunteerism, and leadership qualities.
✓ Show need of financial assistance to continue his/her education. (Provide proof of a complete and filed Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASA))
The applicant MUST complete and SUMBIT ALL the following:
✓ A copy of the student’s high school transcript – including Fall/Spring semester grades
✓ A 700 to 750-word essay (typed on 8 1⁄2 x 11 paper, 1” margins, 12 Times New Roman or Arial font, single spaced). See application for essay topic.
✓ One (1) letter of recommendation – the letter can come from one of the following:
• a College/High School Guidance counselor
• a school department head, teacher, and/or administrator
• a religious/civic leader, employer, or volunteer supervisor, who will vouch for the character of the applicant.
• Letters of Recommendation cannot be from a family member
✓ Proof of Enrollment from the accredited Institution – An acceptable proof of enrollment will include:
• The school's name
• The student’s name
• The start date of the program
• The student’s enrollment status (full-time or part-time) • Was issued in the last six (6) months
If an official proof of enrollment cannot be obtained, a letter of acceptance from the school, accompanied by a supporting document such as the student's timetable (displaying the courses in which the student is enrolled) or a tuition invoice can also be submitted. These should mention the name of the school and name of the student as well.
Application packets with ALL required documents must be submitted via email to
psiiotascholarship@gmail.com by 11:59pm on Thursday, June 30th, 2023, NO EXCEPTIONS. SELECTION OF RECIPIENTS:
After the application review process, the Scholarship Committee, on or before Friday, July 14th, 2023, will select recipients for award/recognition. Selection will be based on the applicant’s submission of required documents including, academic excellence, essay response, extra-curricular activities, and voluntarism. Applications which do not satisfy the eligibility requirements and required documentation will automatically be disqualified for further consideration of award.
The Scholarship Committee will review applications. If you are selected for award, the distribution of the scholarship award will be contingent upon our receiving proof of your enrollment at a two and/or four- year accredited institution.
Questions relating to this application, please send emails to: psiiotascholarship@gmail.com Kind Regards,
Psi Iota Chapter
Scholarship Committee
Attachment: Essay Question
Should you be selected as a McDowell Scholarship awardee, how will you use this scholarship and how will it assist you in pursuing your education?